What is a school fundraising event?
A school fundraising event is a great way to raise money for your school!
An event brings together all of your school community.
As the event manager you can choose that students fundraise individually, in a
class, year level or house team.
Whether your event is a runathon, walkathon, colour run, or readathon, you’ve
come to the right place!
We have helped hundreds of schools with fundraising events for many years so we
can give you the best advice on how to set up these events.
The mycause fundraising event platform allows you to easily set up a branded event
website using pre created templates. You can also customise the student or class
Fundraising Pages.
Our system has been specifically designed to help schools manage the large
volume of students and parents that are participating in fundraising events, as
well as functionality to help maintain students' privacy and bulk upload of
student details.
To get started creating your event please read our article