A Charity Portfolio is a group of charities that you support.
You can make a donation to your Charity Portfolio once or more frequently like monthly or quarterly.
The donation is one single transaction and you will receive one tax receipt. The tax receipt will be issued by the My Cause Gift Fund ABN 43106238101.
mycause will disburse the funds to your beneficiary charities. mycause charges 5% commission plus bank fees to the beneficiary charities for this service.
A mycause Charity Portfolio is safe and secure and saves you time so you do not need to write cheques or transact on multiple charity websites. With automatic reporting you can simply claim your tax deduction at the end of the financial year.
For example: Sarah lives in NSW. Her father passed away from MND and she is passionate about the environment.
Sarah has 4 charities in her portfolio. Her budget of $1000 per quarter is split between a MND charity, a medical research charity an environmental charity and a national NGO.
Start a portfolio here and support the causes you care about https://www.mycause.com.au/portfolio-giving