Event registration fees can be treated as donations or as fees (non donations).
Go to Beneficiary payment options
Registration fees as donations:
Select Registration Fee is a donation
This is only allowed if the beneficiary is a charity or cause approved by mycause.
The registration fee will show on each Fundraising Page.
Registration fees as non donation (fees):
Select Registration Fee is not a donation
When the registration fee is not a donation, the fee can be paid to a separate entity and bank from the donations.
The registration fee will NOT show on the fundraising page.
Total amount raised display on the event
Event managers can choose to include registration fees on their total fundraising target for their event.
Go to the event landing page and select the total amount raised block (the thermometer). Navigate to the settings on the left hand side.
Click on ‘Amount calculation’ and tick the box next to ‘Includes registration fees’.