Whether your event has registration (participants must choose an activity and/or pay a fee), or is fundraising only (peer-to-peer fundraising), you can add settings for teams, so your participants can share a group fundraising page where they are all displayed.
When your event has teams, you can manage them in a variety of ways, such as;
- Adding members to a team
- Changing the team captain
- Editing team member names
How to add members to a team:
If you have created a registration event, you can set a maximum amount of members in a team. To add an individual to a team you must first check that the team has enough capacity to add another individual. (You can check the maximum capacity you have set up for teams in the event in the ‘registrations’ tab. Navigate to registration settings.)
If your event is fundraising only, you do not need to worry about team capacity.
You can add an individual to a team by going to the 'Manage groups' tab in the left menu. Find the group and click manage.
This will open the team pop up. Click add member
Insert the information required including email address (if required), name and any questions that have been set by the event manager.
Changing the team captain:
The team captain is the individual who signed up first out of their team, and receives all fundraising and event updates on behalf of their team. This means that the captain must have an email address.
Sometimes, a team may ask you to change who the captain is so that the right person gets all of the communications.
To change who the captain of a team is, go to "Manage groups" and click the manage button next to the team (as above) then click the "make captain" icon next to the person who the team wishes to be their new captain.
Please note: as the captain must have an email address, only team members with an email address attached will have this "make captain" icon next to them.
Editing team member names:
If for any reason a team member needs to have their name changed, and they have been added without an email address, you are able to edit it for them. Participants with email addresses have an account and will need to log in themselves to change their name.
To edit the name for a participant, manage the relevant group (as above) and click the "edit" button next to their name. This will make their name fields editable. Once you have corrected the first and last name, make sure to click the "save" button below the editable fields.