The mycause event platform comes with a handy built-in email communications area.
You can choose three options
1. Use the free fully customisable email suite
2. Add your own templates on the mycause triggers (eg Receipt/Thank you for registering etc)
3. Switch off all email communications
Each event has an automated email cycle that begins as soon as the participant registers and ends when fundraising closes.
To find these emails please go to your event. Select Manage. Navigate to Marketing/Email communication.
Each email has a title and short explanatory text for your information.
Each email contains fixed content for example the event name or date and editable content.
Each email also contains editable content. The editable content is your default text. If you do not edit that content the mycause placeholder content will appear.
To open the editor click the cross icon
Please feel free to adjust this text as you see fit, using the mycause default text as a guide.
Some emails offer a send preview where you can send the email to yourself for review inside your own mail client.
Emails included in your event cycle are:
Sponsor me
Join my team
Thank you for registering
Thank you for creating a Fundraising Page
You have reached 50% of your target
You have reached 90% of your target
Your fundraising Page closes in two weeks
Certificate of Appreciation
There is also an option to send your own customised emails.
Click the orange cross for this area.
You will find a handy filter including paid/unpaid/team captains/all, and more.
Some event managers wish to manage their won email cycle through a third party mail system
Please ask us about our MailChimp API where your event data can be sent automatically in real time to your MailChimp list