Once you have created all of your merchandise items in your entity portal, you will need to add them to the settings of your event. Follow the instructions below to learn how.
Dragging Items into the Event
Find your event in your partner dashboard and select "manage" to access the event dashboard.
You are now inside your event dashboard.
Select "Settings" then "Merchandise & Tickets."
In the Merchandise & Tickets settings section, click the "Add group" button to name and create a merchandise group.
Then click on the product on the right-hand side of the screen and drag it into the box on the left.
If you want to display your merchandise in multiple groups (e.g various shirts separated from various hats) you can click the "Add group" button again and create as many product groups as needed, dragging each of your merchandise products into the relevant group.
Shipping/ Billing Address and Extra Fees
If necessary, you can prompt customers to enter their shipping and billing addresses at checkout, as well as add any additional fees you may want to collect.
Optional Donation
When merchandise is being sold in your event, you are also able to ask for an optional donation from the purchaser.
Choose whether you wish to display specific amount choices, just a field to enter an amount, or hide the optional donation section so it is not an option.
If you select to show dollar amounts, you can allocate up to six amounts for the purchaser to choose from during their merchandise purchase, as well as which amount will be the default preselected amount. This option will also show an open field where the purchaser can enter their own amount.